Handicapped Parking for the Shea Theatre at the Ammerman Campus
The Islip Arts Building, of which the Theatre wing is a part, is ADA compliant. That being said, the ADA entrance is not near the theatre entrance. To that end, if a theatre patron has difficulty walking, it is suggested that a wheelchair and companion attend. If a patron is ambulatory and does not wish to use a wheelchair, please build in extra time to get to the performance on time especially for a Theatre 119 production that have a no latecomer seating policy.
The location of the handicap entrance is at the Northeast corner of the classroom wing of the Islip Arts building off of parking lot 3J.
Nicolls Road Entrance: If arriving from the Nicolls Road entrance follow the small sign saying Theatre with a right arrow and a handicapped emblem - just past parking lot 3F.
Coleman Road Entrance: If coming in on the Coleman Road entrance make the second right (at top of the hill) and the next left - you will see a small sign saying Theatre with a left arrow and a handicapped emblem.
For All: When going up the road to parking lot 3J look for the small sign saying Theatre with right arrow and a handicapped emblem. (If you continue to the hairpin curve and Ammerman building you have gone too far) and proceed to parking lot 3J - which is closest to the building and look for the handicapped spaces. You will need a permit to park in these spaces. If you have no permit, park as close as you can. Use the ramp and automated door and proceed down the hall and look for the signs for Theatres and make the left. Proceed all the way down the hall and you will find the Theatres and Box office.
We hope to make access to the Theatre wing more user friendly in the future. Please write the campus administration.
Contact Us
Theatre Arts Program
Charles Wittreich
Academic Chair
Ammerman Campus
Islip Arts Building Rm. 121
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784
Phone: (631) 451-4163
Fax: (631) 451-4601
Central Admissions
Phone: (631) 451-4414
Fax: (631) 451-4415
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.