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To meet the grand challenge of preparing underrepresented minority (UREP) students for successful transition into science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) majors by:

  • Providing comprehensive support services that stress academic and social integration in the first two years with an emphasis on necessary math skills for STEM majors.
  • Providing activities at the two year colleges that prepare students for transfer to four year institutions and at the four year institutions for new transfer students.
  • Using the results of the SUNY LSAMP FIT research grant to identify factors that lead to STEM success among underrepresented groups.
  • Using the results of the current research grant to identify the best interventions to help UREP community college students successfully transfer to four year STEM programs.

To focus on providing experiential activities that lead to socialization into science by:

  • Providing research opportunities, both domestic and international.
  • Providing experiences that increase students STEM professional skills and experience.
  • Preparing students for successful preparation for and entry into STEM graduate school.

To promote significant systemic changes by:

  • Reconstituting SUNY LSAMP to better facilitate program goals and objectives across the Alliance.
  • Disseminate evidence-based best practices from program operation and SUNY LSAMP research grants on the local, state and national level.
  • Continue the trajectory towards institutionalization and sustainability of SUNY LSAMP after NSF funding ends.
  • Continue to work on efforts to improve STEM curriculum and pedagogy.