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Prohibited Academic Misconduct

Students submit academic exercises for a grade, for credit, or for completion of course/program requirements. Academic exercises include, but are not limited to: assignments, quizzes, exams, papers, essays, research, lab reports, and similar work.

The College prohibits all academic misconduct, which includes, but is not limited to:

Dishonesty in an academic exercise, including unauthorized use of textbooks, notes, mobile devices, artificial intelligence, or other sources. Examples:

  • Contract cheating by using a third party to complete an academic exercise.
  • Copying another student鈥檚 work, including lab notes, mathematical equations, or computer coding for an academic exercise.
  • Obtaining, distributing, and/or using test/quiz/exam questions/answers without instructor authorization.
  • Earning credit for a group project when you did not contribute to the work.
  • Tampering with online proctoring software.
  • Using material generated by artificial intelligence tools for an assignment without instructor authorization.

Using another鈥檚 words or ideas without crediting the source; or presenting another鈥檚 work as your own. Examples:

  • Copying another鈥檚 words without the use of quotation marks, in-text citations and/or a list of sources used in a research project.
  • Inventing citations for a research project.
  • Using paraphrasing software to plagiarize another person鈥檚 work.
  • Submitting the work of another as if it were the student鈥檚 own.
  • Submitting a project researched by someone else.
  • Submitting the same work for credit to two or more instructors without advance permission from the current instructor(s).
  • Using material generated by artificial intelligence tools for an assignment without instructor authorization.

Intentionally helping a student(s) commit an act of academic misconduct. Examples:

  • Allowing another student to copy your work on an academic exercise.
  • Collaborating on an independent academic exercise if contrary to stated guidelines for the exercise or course.
  • Giving another student credit for a group project when they did not contribute to the work.
  • Selling or offering to sell inappropriate assistance in the preparation, research, or writing of an academic exercise.
  • Posing as another person to complete an academic exercise or course.

The forgery of information or documents, or the misrepresentation of a student identity to affect an academic exercise, grade, etc. Examples:

  • Lying about the reason for a class absence or the inability to complete an academic exercise by the due date.
  • Altering attendance records or hours for a course or program.
  • Altering or fabricating laboratory data or results.
  • Forgery or alteration of any college document, record, or identification, including signatures.
  • Having another person complete an academic exercise or course for you, including online courses.