In accordance with the policy set by the State University of New York, students who
are home schooled must provide one of the following to be eligible for consideration
for admission to matriculated status:
Documentation that the student has been awarded a high school equivalency diploma
such as TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) or a GED (General Equivalency Diploma)
including passing scores.
A letter from the superintendent of the school district in which the student resides, attesting to the student鈥檚 completion
of home instruction meeting the requirements of Section 100.10 of the Regulations
of the Commissioner of Education. The letter should indicate that the student completed a program of home instruction that is the substantial equivalent of a four-year high
school course of instruction.
Receive a passing score on the Computerized Placement Test (CPT) in English, reading,
and mathematics administered by the College under the provisions of 鈥Ability to Benefit.鈥