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Spring 2025 Workshops

This workshop will demonstrate how to use tools in Word to make text, paragraphs, tables, and pictures accessible so that your documents can be successfully navigated by screen reading software. There will also be a brief overview of accessibility features in Brightspace. 
Alexandra Belanich 

This workshop will demonstrate the application of the intelligent agent tool within Brightspace. An intelligent agent serves to recognize and automate notifications triggered by a student's inactivity or academic performance that could threaten their success, including late submissions, course access frequency, and grades. Participants will learn to develop an intelligent agent that sends a message to students who have not logged into the course for a duration of one week (7 days). Please note: There will be a repeat of this workshop on March 14th. 
Robin Hill, PhD 

Do you often find it difficult to engage students in discussions? We'll share techniques for creating dynamic questions that will help students engage with one another and with the course material. Learn how to use the concept of higher order thinking to formulate questions that students will be excited to answer, while supporting the course learning objectives.
Facilitator: Alexandra Belanich 
Location: Zoom 

If you missed Professor Montella’s presentation on Professional Development Day, here’s another opportunity to attend it. Fabio Montella, Associate Professor of Library Services and Adjunct Professor of History, will explain how he revamped the research paper assignment in his history course to make generative AI a central component. His approach is designed to reduce academic dishonesty while promoting strong research skills. The initial results have shown great success and promise for future growth. In this presentation, he will share his pre-AI and current AI approaches, while examining both. This session is appropriate for faculty across all disciplines who create writing assignments.   
Facilitator: Fabio Montella 
Location: Ammerman, Huntington Library L10 

Did you know you can color code your gradebook? The grade scheme tool in Brightspace enables instructors to associate colors to grade ranges. This allows instructors to see at a glance not only which students submitted their work but also how well they performed on their assignments. Once you apply a grade scheme to your gradebook, the settings will be retained when you copy your course into a new course shell.  
Facilitator: Alexandra Belanich 
Location: Zoom 

This workshop will demonstrate the application of the intelligent agent tool within Brightspace. An intelligent agent serves to recognize and automate notifications triggered by a student's inactivity or academic performance that could threaten their success, including late submissions, course access frequency, and grades. Participants will learn to develop an intelligent agent that sends a message to students who have not logged into the course for a duration of one week (7 days).   
Facilitator: Robin Hill, PhD 
Location: Zoom 

In this workshop, Dr. Lorena Harris, a professor of biology at SUNY Schenectady Community College, discusses her journey of how she went from being firmly anti-artificial intelligence (AI) to being an AI enthusiast. What caused that transformation? Join us to learn how and why she now incorporates AI literacy into her teaching. She will discuss strategies and demonstrate hands-on activities. You’ll walk away with a new understanding of teaching in the era of AI. 
Facilitator: Carol Hernandez, EdD and Lorena Harris, PhD 
Location: Zoom 
*This workshop requires advance registration: . 

This workshop will demonstrate the application of the intelligent agent tool within Brightspace. An intelligent agent serves to recognize and automate notifications triggered by a student's inactivity or academic performance that could threaten their success, including late submissions, course access frequency, and grades. Participants will learn to develop one intelligent agent that sends a message to students who have received a quiz grade of >=80.  Or develop one that sends a different message to students with a quiz grade of <60. Please note: There will be a repeat of this workshop on April 10th. 
Facilitator: Robin Hill, PhD 
Location: Zoom 

This workshop will demonstrate the application of the intelligent agent tool within Brightspace. An intelligent agent serves to recognize and automate notifications triggered by a student's inactivity or academic performance that could threaten their success, including late submissions, course access frequency, and grades. Participants will learn to develop one intelligent agent that sends a message to students who have received a quiz grade of >=80.  Or develop one that sends a different message to students with a quiz grade of <60.   
Facilitator: Robin Hill, PhD 
Location: Zoom 

The Sufflex learning environment is Suffolk’s interpretation of a Hyflex learning environment. This classroom combines real-time and face-to-face learning environments. To teach in Sufflex, one must learn to use the classroom equipment and software. Part 1 of the Sufflex certification process focuses on the use of classroom equipment. Part 2 is fully online, and you work at your own pace. Participants complete the learning modules, take a quiz and then receive certification. All participants have until the end of the semester to complete part 2. Please note: Prior to registering, you should contact your academic chair about your intention to participate. 
Facilitators: Robin Hill, PhD and Alexandra Belanich 
Location: LRC 224 


Contact Us

Carol Hernandez, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean of CTL

Robin A. Hill, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Instructional Design

Alexandra Belanich
Specialist I

Karen DuBicki
Principal Office Assistant

Ivy Truong
College Aide


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