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The Division of Student Affairs promotes learning through quality programs and services that empower individuals to realize their educational goals in accordance with the mission of the college.

Goals and Outcomes


To assist students to improve their academic performance by providing individual tutoring services and computer assisted learning resources.

Learning Outcome:

Students will be able to successfully complete coursework with the help of our tutoring services

Students will gain more confidence to effectively use specific learning methodologies.

Students will improve knowledge of course material

Students will improve their study skills by learning to identify areas that need improvement


To provide incoming EOP students with a pre-freshmen summer orientation program focusing on academic remediation, elimination of developmental courses and acclimation to the dynamics of college academic environment.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to improve their test scores in areas of reading, math and English

Students will place out of developmental courses before the start of fall semester

Students will be able to navigate college classroom and college experience with confidence/comfort


To provide a COL 141 EOP College Freshman Seminar and other programmatic offerings (workshops, individual consultations, counseling, etc) for EOP students

Learning Outcome:

EOP students will learn more about academic integrity and expectations in Higher Education

Students will discover and connect with the college environment academically and personally by learning about advising, course planning, major exploration, student activities and other critical aspects of college life

Educational Opportunity Program students will develop a support network among themselves